Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Short Report...

Shenendehowa UMC Workcamp 2016
Woonsocket, RI

Greetings All,

It has been a long day for all of us so this posting will be short and will include a couple of pictures.

First, I wanted to update you on the gentleman whose home one of our work campers have been working on this week.  Last evening I mentioned the man was taken by ambulance to the hospital and placed on a breathing machine and not doing well.  We found out today that he died.  The family is obviously grieving and in need of God’s presence and comfort.  However, the team met with the family members and Workcamp staff and it was decided  they would continue and complete the job on the home.  Please also pray God gives them an opportunity to minister to this family and friends as they stop by the home and such. 

Thank you for the continue prayer support.  And a special thanks to the prayer partners who have been diligently lifting each of us up in prayer.  Each team member received your letter of encouragement tonight following evening devotions.  You are awesome!
Here are a few more pics…

1 comment:

  1. The SUMC Mens club met this morning and the success of the work campers was discussed and we prayed for you all and the resident's family that you mentioned. Hope you all had a great afternoon off on Wednesday and charge into the final days with great energy and faith. Be careful as they are calling for heavy rain thunder storms for your area on Friday. Always in our prayers.
