Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Reflection on Thursday!

Shenendehowa UMC Workcamp 2016
Woonsocket, RI

Day 4 down. On this Thursday we set off on yet another filled day of Gods working through us. Crew vans full of ambition and joyfulness to finish their project. All the crews have endured the heat and a little bits of nervousness when problems came up but we all have fought through them and have plans to solve them creatively. For example, my crew (crew 42) had to dig post holes to install railings for our resident who by the way is such a great person!  We came across a massive rock and there was no way for us to unearth it from the ground. So we decided that we should dig as far as we can next to the boulder and place the post there instead of trying to get this rock out of the way. Lesson learned!

But not Only have we made progress in our projects, we've made major progress in our relationship with Jesus. As you may have read in the past few blogs, our theme for Workcamp this year is extraordinary. Today's message was "extraordinary love". It was about Gods never ending love for all of us; and how God is working in all of us. There was stations set up around the gym that we’re titled different things such as forgiveness, love, identity, tenderness, and brokenness and along with them, there were symbols and things to do which helped us better understand them.  There were others, but I can't remember what they were. J They each helped let he Workcampers know that God is always there for them, that He can solve any problem and that He freely offers us forgiveness. This experience really touched me and it touched many others as well.  It helped us to know and be reassured that someone is always looking after us. Especially someone as powerful as God is. It was very powerful and moving to see so many people feeling Gods love in the gym where we have been having worship each morning and evening. Overall day 4 at Workcamp was another fantastic day of serving God and learning more about his never ending love for us.

Also, we were all informed of a Workcamp wide ultimate frisbee tournament happening on Friday. Feel free to lift prayers for the representing SUMC teams! They are "the red hot chili scoobers" and "the uncle ricos."   
That is all for the SUMC blog for today! Thank you so much for your prayers for our safety and we'll being while in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. They are greatly appreciated by all of us here! 

~ John Keegan

1 comment:

  1. For our youth, work camp can be a life changing experience where you make lifelong friends in just a few days and find that you have stretched your faith in ways that you never imagined. God blesses you in so many ways and one of the best is with the holy spirit and the fellowship of believers. For our Adults you've just about made it through the week and know that you've seen our youth grow in faith and that is in large part due to the great examples that they see in your actions this week. God Bless you all and safe travels back home.
